About the Overlords

Our 'Why'

Through our experience with other Florida marketing companies, we have found that many business owners can find working with an agency confusing or frustrating. The most common grievances had one common variable…their point of contact. When they had a sales representative, clients expressed:

  • Confusion about language used in pitches, reports, and proposals
  • Pressure to sign up for more expensive, less necessary services
  • Long response times and/or inaccurate answers for technical questions
  • A discrepancy between what was promised at the pitch and what was delivered
  • Feeling lost after meetings or after looking at status reports (if provided at all)
  • Feeling unsure about the purpose/value their current services hold

One simple way we thought to address all these problems at once would be to allow the people performing the services to speak directly to clients. With their track records to think about (and zero commission to be made), our professionals are motivated to:

  • Get the fullest idea possible of a client’s vision or goals
  • Suggest the most effective solutions, rather than the most expensive
  • Explain and educate clients on the reasoning behind their recommendations
  • Provide fast, accurate answers to questions using up-to-date information
  • Maintain consistent, proactive communication with clients
  • Address questions using language the client can easily absorb 

Our Work

We don’t want a salesperson to try to convince you we’re the best, our results will do that on its own. With over 450 websites built, analyzed, and optimized, hundreds of logos and print items made, and plenty of effective ads running, Digital Overlords has the experience you’re looking for in a marketing agency.

Success is Coming

Your form has been submitted! Within one business day, you’ll receive an email response with more information about the services you selected. If you don’t see anything in your inbox by then, get in touch with us on social media, by phone, or direct email. Talk soon!